As the stylist was combing through my hair, she asked "Have you been very stressed lately?"
(Stressed? Life over here is a piece of cake!)
Me: No, not really. Why?
Her: Well, you're losing a lot of hair.
Me: Well, I think I always lose a lot of hair (Hmm, maybe it has been more than normal recently). Good thing my hair is so thick. Ha, ha, ha.
Her: Hmmm. Let me show you.
At this point she parts my hair is several different places and points out that I have little bald spots, about the size of a pencil eraser, scattered throughout my head. Yikes.
Her: You need to not stress so much. Don't worry, don't worry. Everything works out.
And with that reassurance, she bleached the hell out of my hair. I looked like this:

To be fair, it doesn't look terrible down, in that lighting, but check out this:

Holy crap.
After some freaking out, I went back this morning for lowlights, which brought it a little darker than usual, but at least I don't look like that anymore.

Anyway, I think that if you share, you should share the good, the bad, and the ugly. So there's your dose of ugly for a while :)