Sunday, February 24, 2008
Name poll
Have fun voting, and you can comment to this post if you have other suggestions (no names that start with the letter "D" though--we don't want to be trapped into D names for any future kids).
Friday, February 22, 2008
Yesterday was the best day ever
The new and improved nursery:
2. We went to Babies 'R Us to order furniture for the nursery. We bought the crib and converter kits (for when we want it to be a bed one day). Then Dave's mom very generously bought us a glider & ottoman, and the crib mattress too! Both sets of grandparents made major contributions today :) (Furniture should be coming in 3 weeks or so)
3. My old car got towed away---this one was bittersweet. We donated it to charity. Dave cleaned it out in the morning and took pictures of saying goodbye. I wanted to take a picture of the tow truck taking it away but I got all teary and felt like a big baby so I had to leave.
Dave was not sad to say goodbye:
I was:
But the new car is nice (I have to get a better picture of it):
4. After all of this goodness, THEN a box of nursery accessories that I ordered arrived! Putting up the border is going to be a big project, but putting up the light switch plate was easy--look how cute it is:
5. Another mini-victory happened too: we lost the automatic car starter, which we has just had installed in our new car. Without the little key chain thing, the starter doesn't work. If you lose it, you have to get an entirely new started installed, so we were bummed. But miraculously at the end of the day, after searching the car, the street, the office we had been to, etc. it appeared!
Baby Update
We're now 27 weeks along, and the baby is about 14.5 inches long and slightly over 2 lbs! I'm starting to feel big and pregnant. My back hurts, one of my feet hurt (who knows why), and . . . drumroll please . . . I'm starting to waddle. Yes, waddle. It's charming.
Monday, February 18, 2008
-I said that there were 2 hubcaps left. Turns out that there are 0. (I guess we never noticed that the final 2 slipped away).
-The side defroster/air vent doesn't work on the driver's side.
-The car has no antenna, so radio reception comes and goes.
Ok, that's the whole truth and nothing but the truth (until we remember something else).
February Break
-the handle on the driver's side door is half broken off from a break-in attempt
-it has to warm up for a minimum of 6 minutes before you drive it-otherwise it stalls (although the ideal time for the car to warm up seems to be around 25 minutes)
-the rear passenger tire deflates itself after several rides
-it's starting using gas at an alarming rate
-only one of the front headlights is working
So tomorrow we get to go pick up the new car, which is a 2006 CRV. I have issues with driving an SUV, but I also have issues with being afraid of my car, and needing to tote around a baby and all of its accessories too. I'm rationalizing that we only have one car, instead of two---so our one SUV is using more fuel than a little car would, but less than having 2 cars would. I'll post pictures when we get it.
We went out to visit my family on Saturday--here are some pictures:

Play-dough time. I made the best play-dough animals ever made. Dave made a monkey too, but then removed the banana and re-attached it in an inappropriate place, so his play-dough time was done.

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Waterset is more interactive now, and his/her attitude is definitely apparent. (S)he moves around all the time, especially if anything is pressing on my belly---if there is tight elastic on my pants (which there is, since I seem to grow out of a new pair everyday) the baby will kick right at the elastic (I picture it saying "Hey! Move over! Get out of here!").
Layla spent an hour curled around my stomach the other night while I was watching tv. When she started purring I guess the baby could hear it, because it woke up and started wiggling around. Here's a picture:
Last night Dave was talking to my stomach before bed and the baby was kicking back at him, and then rolling or wiggling or something (I don't know what it was doing, but it felt strange). That was the first time that I really felt like it was interactive.
The baby registry is a big project---we started it a few weeks ago and I keep slowly adding things online. We're just registering for everything under the sun---at least then all of the research is already done and things are selected. It's like having a giant shopping list of stuff we need to get---who knew babies end up needing so much stuff. Well, I guess they don't really need any of it--we just need it to make dealing with the baby more manageable :)
Oh, and our car is nearly dead. It needs a new transmission, which turns out not to be worth it if you're car is: 11 years old with over 120,000 miles, missing pieces (like hubcaps and the like), dented up and otherwise abused. Who knew? So now in addition to recently buying the apartment and getting all of the baby stuff, it's time to buy a car! Hooray! We're hoping to get it done over February break, and hoping that the car lasts until them without dying.