
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another (and final) link post

This week the PRC & SCS v. Speak for Yourself case, and Maya's connection to the story, appeared on the website of TIME Magazine.  It was a good, fair, well-balanced article, and included an adorable picture and cute story about Maya.  (I'm sharing it here for the readers of the blog who might not have seen it on FB, but from now on you'll just have to go check the links page for news, since I don't want the blog to turn into all-court-case-all-the-time.)

Also, the links page has been updated.

Watching these stories pop up over the past two weeks has been a bit surreal, and also kind of taxing.  I learned an interesting lesson---once you tell your story, it will get retold . . . and some of those re-tellers will be more concerned about accuracy than others.  I've seen articles that have asserted that Maya has autism and that she is deaf (neither are true).  I've seen people explain that we can't use a device because they are too heavy (which is only a very small reason that we didn't chose a device).  I've seen articles that claim that PRC & SCS are patent trolls and that PRC, SCS, and Apple are all evil companies (I do not agree with any of these statements).  Yet my name appears in most of these articles.  That's frustrating.

You know what else I learned?  Maya is allegedly ready for potty training. (That was an awesome segue, right?) Her teacher suggested that we spend a few days over break hanging out at home, pumping her full of liquids, and taking her to the potty every 30 mins.  It basically sounds like the most rocking spring break ever.


  1. Sounds like Spring Break on MTV, except half those kids don't even make it to the toilet. You're already ahead of the game!

  2. I think there's an app for that. (sorry, I couldn't resist!)

  3. Sounds like you need a break from spring break:)
