
Monday, September 19, 2011

We're terrible apple pickers

Our enthusiasm is unparalleled, but our estimation skills leave much to be desired.

Last year we ended up with a ridiculous amount of apples.   (It's pretty mind boggling to look back at that post and see that she was still drinking bottles, not walking, not even standing independently, and just learning to sign milk. My my, how much can change in a year.)

This year, ever so slightly less. 

(By the time I took this picutre I had already starting a big crockpot of applesauce, so we really had a 1 bowl decrease from 2011-2010.)

What can I say?  The sweet cidery smell of the apples that have already fallen under the tree, the cool-enough-for-long sleeves weather, the sun shining down on us . . . it's hard not to stay for hours.  And then it happens subconciously . . . while I'm still here, I may as well just pick a few more apples . . . that one is so nice and pink . . . I wonder if I can reach that one up so high . . . and so on until we're overflowing a bit.

For two years now, Dave says a lot of "Just a few more!" while we're picking . . .  and then "Holy cow, that's a lot of apples" as I'm hoisting them out of the stroller and onto the counter to pay.  At least applesauce freezes well. 

Last year, Maya mostly traveled in the stroller.  This year, she walked :)

And fell.

No big deal!  I'm nearly a professional faller :)

She tried apples for the first time in feeding therapy this week (and was able to chew them!).  Talk about perfect timing.
This was primarily apple licking, but it's still super cute.

I love hanging out with my cousin!

A good time was had by the whole family :)

Maya!  I swear, once this kid learns a joke she never forgets it.  Ever.


  1. We haven't gone yet! Our plans to go this coming weekend are being foiled by rain and the car being in the shop.
    If you get sick of applesauce, try making apple butter. Apple bread is yummy, too and you can freeze it. The other thing you can do is cut up the apples, spread them out on a cookie sheet, freeze them, then dump into a ziplock once they are frozen, and store them in the freezer for future recipes. (I put apples in squash soup...)

  2. Thanks for the ideas, Nancy :)

    I'm going to make apple bread tonight!
