
Thursday, September 8, 2011

First day of preschool!

It was a great day :)

Things went down pretty much exactly the way I expected them to---Maya remembered the school & where her classroom was, and she just wanted to go!  We had to spend a few minutes in a conference room (we arrived slightly early) and I had to keep pulling her back as she tried to escape towards the classroom.

Upon arrival in the classroom, she was amused to see the cardboard animals on the walls!  The jungle/safari decorations are adorable (there were even vines) and she was taking it all in.   She found some cookie cutters on a table and started playing with them, which led the teacher to bring out some playdough.  Maya is typically a playdough fiend, but she held back a bit and watched the other two kids (who are so cute, by the way.  Preschool is like the most adorable thing I've ever seen.) play.  After a few minutes longer I went over to her and our conversation went like this:

Me:  Maya, can you say bye to Mommy?  I'm going to leave and you can stay here and play.

Maya: Bye!

Me:  Bye!  (Kisses her head)  Can you blow me a kiss?

Maya: (blows a kiss)

So. cute.

The report that I got at the end of the day was basically like this:  She did good, no tears.  She liked to observe things, but also joined in. (I was wondering about this---she likes to hover around the edges of activity and watch for a while, until she's used to things.)  She didn't eat a lot or drink her milk. (Not super surprising, since I'm guessing she was just overwhelmed and not wanting to eat.)  She gave Adam* a lot of hugs, and tried to give Max* a hug, but he wasn't having it.  (LOL!)

Anyway, without further ado, I present Maya's first day:

*names are changed to protect the hug-ees.


  1. I'm so glad she had a great day!! Love the video. How adorable!

  2. I'm glad she did well. I love the video--made me tear up. She's such a sweet girl!

  3. So ADORABLE! That video is amazing. I teared up too. Way to go Maya! I'm glad she had such a great day. =)

  4. So unbelievably adorable!!!!! Yeah Maya!!!

  5. So cute! I'm glad her first day went so well!

  6. This is priceless! And darn you, making me cry at the reunion with parker. I'm so glad that Maya is off to a great start at school.

  7. LOVE the video!! Can't wait to read more about Maya's school adventures!

  8. Love that video! And I'm she had such a fabulous first day at school :)

  9. Oh I love it Dana! So Maya and Dave both went of to school! The music and images went so well together in the video!! Go Maya

  10. Grandpa says!

