
Thursday, February 10, 2011

See Maya walk. Walk, Maya, walk!

I had a rough morning, a not-so-great preschool tour (more on that some other time).

Maya must have known that I needed some cheering up . . . she decided to show off her walking skills (more than I've ever seen).

A few things:

1. If you have your sound on, you can hear her "talk" :)
2. It looks like she's going to crack her head on the wall, but don't worry, she doesn't (I'm letting you know so you can watch without cringing)
3. I love how she knows where the barn is, even though I don't.
4. See how she peeks around the doorway (1:04) instead of going into the room?  And then she keeps glancing to her left when we're in the spare room?  That's because she's suddenly become very wary of the snake----she points to the cage, wants someone to walk over with her and look at the snake, etc.  We don't watch tv (so she's never seen a scary snake) and keep puzzling over why she's suddenly nervous . . . and then we realized that one of her favorites books (Dear Zoo) talks about a snake being "too scary"!  I think that's where it's coming from.  How smart is she?!


  1. Is the scary snake ion "Dear Zoo"?
    We loved that book when my son was a toddler!

  2. Oh, thats just wonderful! I love the way she walks right past her walker without a second thought :)

  3. Great Job Maya!! Dana watch out because she's picking up some speed there!!

  4. Love the smile this gave me today!! She's so precious, and what a little smarty-pants!!

  5. OMG she is just too cute - great signing and talking too. Go Maya Go!

  6. i love it!!! she's doing great with her walking. and, too funny about the snake.:-) i promise i didn't tell her how much grandma dislikes it!!!

  7. Yep its true...Maya's definitely a walker now! Can you believe it? I can only imagine how long Miss Maya has been working towards this and you've been patiently waiting. Way to go Maya!!

  8. I love this! Look at Maya go, and use words and sign! I can't wait to see little Richie when he gets to Maya's developmental stage.

  9. Maya amazes me every time you post a video! Oh, and Dear Zoo was a favorite book of Lily's (and she's 19!!!). Keep sharing these fantastic milestones.

  10. It's really amazing. Now Dave and I have to remember to make her practice walking instead of carrying her . . . it's hard to remember, since we've been carrying her for nearly 3 yrs now :)

  11. dad says

    OMG OMG OMG I love it... thank you lord - you go girl - WOW - Tears are here --- Thank you Jesus -
