
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hungry like the wolf*

Maya's cutting three of her back molars.   One broke through a while back, and now the others are trying to catch up.  Poor kiddo is signing "eat! eat! eat!" all the live long day, but only will take a few bites at a time. 

But nothing is safe from her fangs . . .

Exhibit A:

She's been loving this zoo map since the last time we went---dragging it around, pointing at the pictures, unfolding it.  I turn my back for a few minutes and realize that she's eating it.   Side note: this is actually a cool look for a zoo map . . . as if the animals are so wild they just took a few bites.

I picked up some ice cream for her to have after dinner, hopefully to relieve the pain a bit.  After we fed her some we let her play with the rest (she can get the spoon to her mouth if you put stuff on it, but can't yet manuever the whole feed-yourself-with-a-spoon thing independently):

Hmm.  I can stir it . . .

 . . . and dump it . . .

I learned this from watching Mommy.

WHAT?!  Ice cream time is over?!?  NOOOooooooooooo


  1. My little princess definitely love ice cream as well! It definitely helps with teething pain thats for sure!

  2. This is exactly like my daughter! She LOVES to chew on paper. I agree it is a cool look for a zoo map.
