
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Color me overwhelmed, and tickle me, Elmo. Wait--- I mean Tickle Me Elmo. I don't want Elmo to tickle me. Well, maybe just a little.

We're having a perfect storm of crazy events over here:

1. Tomorrow Maya has a playdate (read: audition) at a preschool that I really like.  If I'm understanding correctly, they'll take her into a classroom and let her interact and see if they think that they'll be able to meet her needs (it's a school for "regular" kids that strongly emphasizes inclusion).  I've zoomed past nervous and into intrigued---I can't really imagine what she'll be like there.  But I know it's creating a lot of subconsicous stress (and I've been gathering paperwork, evaluations, etc to bring with me).

2. Tomorrow afternoon I have to work a volunteer shift at our CSA.  No biggie, except it will be in the rain, and sandwiched between #1 (see above) and #3 (see below), not giving me much decompression time.

3.  Friday morning my dad is coming to babysit so that I can head to a local college, where I've been asked to come speak to an Elementary Ed class as a parent of a child with special needs.  The overwhelmed parent in me is saying "you're a guest speaker in an undergrad class, just go in with a cup of coffee, speak, highlight the blog, and relax".  The dormant teacher in me is saying "But what about a plan?  A handout?  A flow chart of doctors we've seen with an accompanying timeline?"   On a slower week, the teacher would win . . . but this week I think I'm going with the tired parent side.

4.  Next week we're finally going to an appointment to get evaluated for a handicap parking permit.  This process has been dragging on for months (once your application is processed you have to wait 6-8 months to get assigned a physical with a county doctor, who I think makes sure that you're not faking it).  Anyway, we'll head out to the county health building (which I'm sure is a lovely facility) and the appointment is during naptime (fantastic) and I've been trying to gather paperwork for that too. 

You know who doesn't care about any of this stuff?  Maya.  She just wants to rock out with Tickle Me Elmo, who showed up at my parents last weekend (thanks to my sister for cleaning out her toy collection!):

Elmo, what are you doin' at Grandma & Grandpa's?!

You're a laughin' Elmo?!?!?  This is fantastic!

And they all fall down . . .

Side note: Tickle Me Elmo was the "it" toy, like, 4 years ago I think.  And I never got the hype.  But once you hang out with him, you get it.  Dave and I were just nodding solemnly at each other, saying things like, "Wow.  Tickle Me Elmo is totally cool."  (nod, nod, Maya giggles and gasps for air)  "Yeah, I totally get why he was so popular" (nod, nod, Maya falls over laughing)


  1. Well, the original Tickle Me was actually the big thing fourTEEN years ago--back when we were in high school. How scary is that?! Maya's version is probably the 10th anniversary edition. Still scary, but the "all fall down" picture is amazing.

    Good luck tomorrow and Friday. I'll be thinking of you and Maya. The perfect preschool is out there, even if tomorrow isn't The One.

  2. We had that Elmo!! Also, why do you have to do all that for a parking pass? All we needed was a RX from the doctor...that's too bad.

  3. I had no idea that Tickle Me Elmo was so old! I don't remember that craze in high school at all :)

    Tiffany-parking in NYC is madness! I can almost understand why the process has to be a total pain, to deter a lot of folks from applying. But there should be some way to circumvent the red tape or something.
