
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Honestly, who sits like that

(Maya's fever was better today--much lower (101ish) and she was fever free for a chunk in the middle of the day.  I'm hoping tomorrow may be the end of it.)

When we were in VT, we went out to eat at this awesome place called American Flatbread in Burlington (fantastic pizza, great microbrews).  Anyway, Maya was sitting across from me (I couldn't see her legs under the table) and Dave said "Oh, Maya!  Come on, sit right.  Honestly, who sits in a chair like that . . .?!"   And then he turned to look at me:

Turns out that we both sit with our left leg up (see, both of us!).  Why is that?  Some weird genetic hip thing?  If I'm driving long distances, I tend to drive with my left leg up, too (unless any of you are cops, and then I definitely don't do that).  Sometimes I sit with both legs up (which is how Maya sits in her stroller, and in the car seat).  I never sit with only my right leg up. 

Any other one-leg-up'ers out there?  Is the left leg more common or something?


  1. dad will do the same thing sometimes if he's driving a long distance!!

  2. i totally do the same thing... i drive with my left leg up against the dash board and out the window... it drives brian crazy!! must be a gaeckle thing

  3. I always drive with my left leg's the most comfortable way for me to be for either long or short distances...I've done it since HS@

  4. i do the exact same thing! and em sits like that too!!!!

  5. I've been to American Flatbread, and while our experience wasn't terrific - I'd try it again. (Lucy, Frank's intern this summer, is also somehow connected to that restaurant. A friend of the family owns it or something? Can't remember...)

    Anyway, I love the "mirror-image" pic...

  6. Well, I'm glad to know that this left-legged stuff isn't just me. Why is it the left? Maybe we should organize some sort of medical study on this.

    Shirin-definitely give it a second shot---it's sooo yummy!

  7. I'm a right leg up girl. Yes, even when driving (unless a cop, etc. etc.), I put my right leg up on the passenger side dash during long, empty stretches where I can use cruise control.

    Are all you left leg up people right handed? I'm thinking we put the leg up that doesn't interfere as much with our dominant hand...
