
Friday, April 30, 2010

No pictures (and don't whine about it)

Things that have happened this week with Maya:
-She stood (on her own!!!!!) for about 4 seconds (4 real Mississippi seconds)
-She is constantly delighted by Parker
-She stood (on her own!!!!!) for about 4 seconds
-She now will "sing" if you ask her to
-Great week in feeding therapy
-She stood (on her own!!!!!) for about 4 seconds

Things that have happened this week with Parker:
-Puppy play group (no joke) Monday night
-Puppy obedience class Weds night
-Trips to the dog park (where he was initially terrified, but now has a great time)
-Training and conditioning

Things that have happened this week with me:
-several close-call anxiety attacks early in the week
-My patience has been brought to an entirely different level
-I straddled and guarded a pile of poop on a sidewalk for what felt like an eternity

More to come when I have some (ha) free time.


  1. more comments to come later, but most importantly, whose poop were you "straddling and guarding"?!?!? :c)

  2. Can I just say that I love your blog? I'm not a fan of rats. But I will tolerate them for you. :)
