
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Appointment update

I had more tests yesterday--all went well. They didn't measure the baby's growth (that will happen again on Thurs). The baby got a perfect score on it's milestone assessment again (that's the one that checks the swallowing, breathing, grasping and movement). The non-stress test was also totally normal.

At the midwife appointment we confrimed that not much is going on with me. I'm slightly dilated, not having any contractions at all . . . which is the same as it's been for about 4 weeks now.

I get the feeling that the midwife is leaning towards inducing me soon. She would only let me go 7 days overdue before inducing anyway---and that would entail a long weekend, then two more perinatologist appointments, and two more midwife appointments. Maybe if I'm suddenly having contractions or am more dilated by Thursday's appointments then we'll wait, but otherwise I'm getting the vibe that Friday may be the day. I think that the baby would be content to stay inside forever.

I'm trying to be equally fine with whatever happens . . . going naturally, being induced soon, or being induced another week from now. We're just trying to be patient and wait and see. I still get nervous before each set of tests . . . Thursday is the next round.

(If you didn't see the updates from the weekend, there are new posts & pics below)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet my niece or nephew! I hope the tests go well and that your labor is as easy as mine was :)
