
Monday, June 11, 2012

Maya turns 4!

Here is an overdue assortment of pictures from Maya's 4th birthday party-the theme (if you interpret the word "theme" very loosely) was Alligators & School Buses, as those are her two favorite things in the whole world.

In the morning we all helped tp set up.  Here, Maya wrangled the alligator balloon . . .

 . . . while Parker made sure that this alligator wasn't going to cause any trouble.

Once Parker declared him safe, Maya needed to hug both alligators.

The scene was set . . .


. . . and the birthday girl was ready to party!

We gave Maya a sneak peak at her school bus/alligator cake:

 . . . and she liked it!

(It's a good thing that she gave it her seal of approval early on, because when it was time to sing Happy Birthday . . . well, you'll see)

Maya had a great time playing with her friends . . .

 . . . and celebrating :)

But when it was time to sing Happy Birthday and blow out the candle . . . well, she wasn't having any of it:
Dave: Birthday cake is the best!
Dana: Aren't you excited to sing and eat cake?
Maya: You're kidding, right?  I was extremely clear.  No singing. NO singing.

Oh well.

The guests were barely out the door before Maya realized that she could do some major decoration demolition:

Happy 4th birthday, Maya :)  We are eagerly looking forward to your next year, sure to be filled with giggles and good times!

1 comment:

  1. She's adorable. I wonder if she'll look back at this years from now and go, "School buses and alligators?...What?"

