
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Aquarium, Coney Island, a movie, and therapy dog class

We had a great time at the NY Aquarium this morning.  Although it was a bit of a hike, it was fun to see the animals and spend time so close to the beach, enjoying the sunshine.  Maya made some new friends:


And then we went for a walk on the boardwalk, where she saw THE OCEAN.  I write it like that because I'm pretty sure that's how Maya thinks it.  The girl loves, loves, loves water.  We drive down the Hudson River twice a week for therapy, and she starts panting and squeaking when we can see the water.  When she sees a boat, forget about it---she starts to giggle and shout. 

I love you, water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of today's pictures are up on the Facebook fan page . . . you don't have to belong to Facebook to see them, just click on the link at the top of this page and check them out.

Maya also got to see her first movie today---an 8 minute, 4D flick at the aquarium.  Yep, 4D.  In addition to wearing 3D glasses, we were hit with mist and wind and bubbles.  As the lights went down, Maya tensed up and I thought "Uh oh, she's going to cry".  But after a few minutes she relaxed into watching, and kept her glasses on the whole time!  I actually thought she fell asleep, so I had Dave peak under them, but sure enough, she was awake.  The whole row behind us cleared out, as kids became scared and started crying.  But not Maya.  She was happy as a clam.

Until the movie ended.  And the lights went up.  And we took off her glasses.  And she realized it was over.

Then, she was inconsolable.  Poor thing.  Super cute, though :)

In other news, Parker's therapy class was better tonight, but I'm still doubtful as to whether we'll be able to pass this time around.  He just has so much puppy-ness left in him.  I don't know if we can drain it out in the next few weeks.


  1. so glad you had such a glorious day!!

  2. Sounds like Maya is a bit of a thrill seeker, maybe its time you start taking her on the roller coasters at Coney Island...By the way, Three Blind Mice is not a great nursery rhyme either but at least it has a somewhat catchy tune.
