
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ultrasound/Non-stress Test Update

Quick update before I head out.

Our ultrasound & NST yesterday both went great. The technician was really nice and spent a good several minutes after she was done just mapping me out for Dave (the head is down here, this is where the knees are, etc etc). Dave was surprised how low the head is, and how thin the skin/muscle is between the outside and the baby (only 2.8 cm separate the outside of my skin from the baby's foot, which was pressed right against me, like it was trying to kick it's way out).

We could see the diaphragm & chest moving, which means that the baby's lungs should be healthy and ready to breathe whenever it's born. It has hair! We could see the hair kind of floating like a fuzzy circle around it's head. I think it will have thick hair like I did---the wive's tale is that hair causes heartburn, which I have a disgusting amount of :)

The fluid level was great, and the placenta & umbilical cord were working perfectly. Then I was hooked up to the monitor and we listened to the heartrate for around 15 mins. It varied from the low 140s all the way up to the low 160s when it was moving around, but all of that is normal. No contractions at all (still fine by me, I have a busy week to get through).

Everyone that we come across, from all the way back to the 12 week ultrasound, has told us "Wow, this is a really active baby!" I'm not sure if we'll be able to keep up with it :) It rolled totally over from one side to the other---the tech seemed amused watching it wiggle around so much.

They didn't check the baby's weight . . . they have to wait 14 days from the last measurement. So this coming Friday we go back to have it all done again, plus a weight calculation.

I'm off to work for a few hours. I can't believe that this is my last week. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with how much stuff I'd like to get organized and in order before my departure.

I'll try to post something with pictures today or tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. glad everything went so well---my predicted date is still far off so it's ok to stay in there awhile longer!!! and i just love babies born with hair!!
