
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring "Break"

The "Break" in the title is in quotes because we have been so busy that it seems like a ridiculous title for this week. Pictures and more to come soon (hopefully).

This week has been an extravaganza of activity as we've been trying to get a million projects done before the baby arrives. Here's what we've been upto:

Saturday/Sunday: Dave had shows, I assembled baby gear: pack & play (where the baby will sleep initially), swing, bouncer seat, strollers.

Monday: trip to home depot, where we got big shelving things for our storage unit. Dave assembled the shelves and re-arranged the storage unit, I moved everything that we had dumped in the baby's closet into more permanent housing.

Tuesday: big shopping trips: Babies R Us to get the remaining stuff that we need, Container store to get organizing stuff for the baby's closet (among other things), Williams & Sonoma to finally spend the gift cards that we got from our wedding (yes, that was 2 years ago), etc. Once we were home Dave spent a few hours re-organizing the guest room, while I spent the same amount of time trying to figure out what's going where in the baby's room, and moving things into containers.

Wednesday: 36 week midwife appointment (details below) then off to a big grocery trip. I'm trying to cook and freeze some meals now so that we have easy options (besides take-out) after the baby arrives. Last night I made a meatloaf to freeze, Dave disassembled our big dresser and moved it into the baby's room.

Today: Cooking & freezing & organizing for me (and my mom), a show for Dave. Interviewing a pediatrician this afternoon.

The busy-ness will probably continue until we're back at work on Monday, since there are a million projects that could be done. Sometimes it just sounds like a cop-out when people say "Sorry I didn't return your email, I've been busy" . . . but really, I've been busy! Now that we've hit the 9 months pregnant mark I also feel a little achy and get tired too . . . so things take a bit longer than they really should.

Baby Update
I'm now (just about) 36 weeks pregnant. The baby probably weighs around 6 lbs (we may get a better idea of that at tomorrow's ultrasound). It's big and it moves a lot, it looks like my belly is a wave that rolls from side to side at night. The midwife visits are now every week, and include internal exams (yes, they're about as fun as they sound). For those who really want to know every detail, the info is below. If you can do without knowing the condition of my internal girl parts, stop reading here :)
Currently I'm not dilated at all, but things are soft (which means we're progressing). The baby's head is "low in the pelvis" so it's not going to flip over at this point. That's about it for this week.

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